trans resource hub - orlando


Orlando Pride
Mon-Sun, Oct 10 - 16, 2022


UCF - T Guide
Human Rights Campaign: Trans Resources
HRC Faith Resources
Dentransition Information
Dentransition Data


Khan Academy
The Coding Train


I was able to read all of the books listed on this site for free through Libby (the public library app). It is by far my favorite app. All you need is your public library card. If you've never gotten one, it's pretty quick and easy. Just stop by your local library and tell them you live in the area and you'd like to get a card. You'll show your ID and they'll be excited because not many people use the library. Of course you can get physical books and media from your library, but you can also register your card on Libby and check out pdfs of your favorite books as well as audiobooks downloaded straight to your phone or tablet. It is run by the library system and 100% legal, not at all sketchy. You can also register your friends' library cards from other cities and check out more books that may not be available in your area ;)
If you've never heard of it, Khan Academy is an amazing place to learn new skills or review concepts from school and it's completely free. I originally learned to write code through Khan Academy.
A brief explanation of the science behind sex and gender.
Trans Lifeline USA
(877) 565-8660
Trans Lifeline Canada
(877) 330-3366
LGB Trevor Project Lifeline
1 (866) 488-7386
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
1 (800) 273-8255

Hi, I'm Lew! I made this as a local resource. I'll be happy if it helps even one person. If you have any helpful resources to add, please let me know! ...especially if you have information regarding legal name change / gender marker steps. I would love to include a section on those things as well, but I have not pursued the legal stuff personally, so I don't have anything to add yet. I plan to update the site as soon as I can.